A gift through your will is a great way to continue to support the work of MCNV when you are no longer here. Your ideals live on and MCNV can continue the work. This can be done by including MCNV as heir in your will or by leaving a legacy. Because MCNV is registered as a charity with ANBI status (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling), we do not owe any inheritance tax and the entire amount we receive through an inheritance benefits MCNV’s projects.
In a will you can decide how your estate will be distributed. You record your wishes with a notary. There are various options for including MCNV in your will, for example with an amount of money or certain goods. The amount of money can be in the form of a fixed amount (legacy) or as a percentage of the estate. It is also possible to appoint MCNV as an heir in addition to your children, relatives, friends and other charities.
Is your situation changing or do you want a different distribution? Then you can always change your will – without having to justify yourself.
We can imagine that you have questions about drawing up a will and everything that comes with it. You will find a lot of information in our brochure, which you can download using this link. If you would like to know more or need advice, please feel free to contact us. Email Karin Vlug, kv@mcnv.nl or call 06-46296234.
You can also obtain information from the Dutch tax authorities at https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontentnl/belastingdienst/prive/relatie_familie_en_gezondheid/erven/erfenis_nalaten/
or https://www.notaris.nl/testament