Volunteer on Occupational Therapy (OT)

Job Description for Occupational Therapy Volunteering

in Ho Chi Minh city – Vietnam

  1. Background

The demand for Occupational Therapy in Vietnam is huge, however in Vietnam, specialized OT training is not yet available at all levels. There is currently only session of OT introduction integrated module in physiotherapy training course at Bachelor level.

With grants from USAID through Humanity Inclusion/Handicap International (HI), the Medical Committee Netherlands- Vietnam (MCNV) has supported the 5 year-project (2015-2020) on Development of OT education in Vietnam in collaboration with Hai Duong Medical Technology University (HMTU) and University of Medical and Pharmacy of Ho Chi Minh City (UMP) with aims at creating enabling conditions to establish education of OT professionals in Vietnam. The project focuses on provision of OT educators, and development of a standard competency-based curriculum that can be recognized in the region, as well as training materials and strengthened Government policy on OT.

One of the main component of the project is to support a group of 5 young rehabilitation lecturers (all them had Bachelor of Physiotherapy background before enrolling the BOT course) to study BOT, then MOU at Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), India. In August 2019 these students will finish their academy study of BOT in India and will have 2 month internship in India before coming back to Vietnam to continue 4 months of internship from October 2019 to January 2020. Two (02) students will do internship in Ho Chi Minh City while three others will be base in Hai Duong province.

Beside development of capacity of OT trainers for future by supporting 5 young Rehab faculties to study BOT and MOT in India, the project also pilot BOT training courses in Hai Duong province and Ho Chi Minh City. To support students of these pilot courses having clinical practice, MCNV and university partners seek for involvement of International OT volunteers as clinical supervisor  The 12 students of BOT course in UMP also will take their 6 week-internship during the above mentioned time.

MCNV is seeking for an OT volunteer who willing to work in Ho Chi Minh city in 4 months from October 2019 to January 2020 to support 02 students from MAHE and 12 BOT students from UMP during their internship. 

2. Main duties

Key task 1: Supervising a group of 02 MAHE BOT students in 4 months and 12 BOT students from UMP in 6 weeks in parallel during their internships at some of selected hospitals in Ho Chi Minh city including:

  • Provide coaching and guidance to BOT students during their daily internship at the hospitals.
  • Participate in field visits to support and mentor BOT students when required, for topic of OT practice in community.
  • Communicate and share information of students with their institute supervisor at MAHE when needed.
  • Give comments to students on their case reports (each of student need to prepare 3 cases report during their internship)
  • Provide overall evaluation on student’s internship as evidence supporting their graduation

Key task 2: Increase capacity of health/university staff in OT knowledge, proficiency and practice

  • Provide appropriate education and advice to rehab staff incline to OT for Rehabilitation department of HMTU and assigned hospitals in Hochiminh city.
  • Participate in group of consultants (PT, OT, medical doctors, nurses…) and pay visits to patients and provide treatments and services at community as required.
  • Develop and/or maintain partnerships with local, regional and international organizations, professional and peer networks.
  • Duration of assignment: From October 2019 to January 2020

3. Qualification requirements:

  • Hold bachelor of Occupational therapy
  • Has at least 3 years in clinical experience.
  • Has experience of OT clinical educator as preferable
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Able to communicate in English (and Vietnamese as preferable)
  • Commitment to team work, coaching, and mentoring others
  • Awareness and sensitivity of cross-cultural settings
  • Patience, tolerance and flexibility
  • Ability to develop working relationships quickly and effectively
  • Ability to cope with cultural isolation and a different standard of living
  • A preparedness to work with limited resources within a challenging environment
  • Committed to gender equality, children protection and disability inclusion

4. What MCNV provides:

  • Return airfare to country of assignment
  • Visa expenses
  • Living and accommodation allowance of US$1,000 per month.
  • Basic package of insurance
  • In-country Orientation on arrival

For more information, please contact Ms. Tran Quynh Trang, Coordinator of the Occupational Therapy Education Program.

Email: trang.tranquynh@mcnv.vn

T:+84 24 3835 9005 ext 21

M:+84 (0) 904 883 089