MCNV presents Strategy 2017-2021

Dear friends,

The past year we have been working very hard on our new strategy. We’re proud to present the results of this international teamwork in the MCNV Strategy 2017-2021.

The next period MCNV will keep on working on health as well as expanding further into the areas of social inclusion, livelihood & climate change, and entrepreneurship & value chains. Our focus will stay with community based work and with enhancing the organisations of disadvantages groups. As more than half of the population in South East Asia is under the age of twenty-five, MCNV will increasingly focus on the youth. We also aspire to expand our activities into one more country in South East Asia and to enhance collaborations in regional and global partnerships.

You’re very welcome to read our Strategic Plan 2017-2021 and please feel free to share your ideas and questions with us.

MCNV gladly invites organisations and companies in Vietnam, Lao PDR, The Netherlands and elsewhere to jointly work on the accomplishment of our mutual goals. Would you like to learn about the possibilities of a partnership with MCNV? Contact the Hanoi or Amsterdam office.

Guus Paardekooper
General director MCNV