On September 8 2017, MCNV cooperated with the Department of Education and Training – Quang Tri province to organize the workshop on “Survey results of mental health conditions of high school students in Quang Tri”.

The workshop gathered representatives from different agencies and organizations, including the Quang Tri Department of Education and Training, and teachers from 31 high schools across the province.

The purpose of the workshop was to share results of the survey on mental health conditions of high school students which was conducted in May, and to consult opinions from participants to build an effective model in the coming time.

MCNV and the Department of Education and Training in Quang Tri used the questionnaire SDQ25 written by WHO to survey students’ mental health conditions at A Tuc, Vinh Linh and Dong Anh high schools. These schools represented all three geographical areas of the province. The objectives of the survey were to define the rate of students having mental health proplems, and to find out the root cause of these mental health proplems.

The results showed that 293 students, equivelant to 11, 08%, in the total of 2,637 surveyed students had some mental health problems and 550 of them were at risk of having mental health problems. Main reasons for students to have mental health problems were 1) the struggling in family’s economy 2) the high number of siblings in the family which lead to poor living conditions 3) the inability of students to understand new knowledge 4) the inability to make friends in class and 5) the inactiveness of students in extra-curricular activities.

The Department of Education and Training, Quang Tri province and MCNV committed to develop the mental health project at Vinh Linh High school from September 2017 to December 2018. The aim of the project was to contribute to the improvement of students’ mental health status through “The model of full care interventions of mental health” with three objectives proposed. These objectives are first, to give counseling and treatment to students who are facing mental health problems, second, to improve capacity for high school teachers about mental health prevention, and third to raise students’ awareness about mental health and its consequences. The project will be assessed by the end of 2018 by MCNV and the Department of Education and Training of Quang Tri province. The model is expected to be duplicated at other sites in the province.