As part of the project Inclusion 1&2, a 6-month course on basic rehabilitation (rehab) was jointly kick-started on May 18th, 2022 by MCNV and Training and Direction of Healthcare Activities Center, Bach Mai hospital.
The opening ceremony was attended by Ms. Ritu Tariyal, Director of the Reconciliation and Inclusive Development Department, US Agency for International Development (USAID) – the project sponsor; Mr. Nguyen Quoc Hung, representative of the National Action Centre for Toxic Chemicals and Environmental Treatment (NACCET) under Chemical Command, the Ministry of Defense – the project managing agency; Assoc. Prof.PhD. Dao Xuan Co, Director of Bach Mai Hospital; Director of Binh Dinh Provincial Department of Health; representatives of the Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population (CCIHP) and Center for Community Health Research and Development (CCRD) – two project’s management awardees. 17 trainees of the course are doctors from 3 provinces of Quang Tri, Kon Tum and Binh Dinh, mostly working at district-level health facilities.

The Training and Direction of Healthcare Activities Center of Bach Mai Hospital is a center implementing team-based rehab technique practice with the full participation of multi-disciplinary practitioners, including rehab doctors, rehab nurses, orthopedists, prosthetists, speech therapists and a wide range of units specializing in rehab for spinal cord injury, stroke, musculoskeletal, etc.

Bach Mai hospital also possesses extensive experience in international cooperation with many organizations such as the Humanity and Inclusion, the National Center for Global Health and Medicine, etc.
The 6-month basic rehab course will equip trainees with relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes on the diagnosis and treatment of some common diseases in the field of rehab. The course consists of the following modules: functional anatomy, physiology, pathology, and basic rehab, which will be delivered through a series of theoretical lectures and clinical case analysis.

The basic rehab training course at Bach Mai Hospital aims to address the shortage in manpower, one of the biggest challenges facing local health facilities in Vietnam, providing timely and adequate support, in the meantime increasing opportunities for social inclusion, improving the quality of life of people with disabilities, especially in disadvantaged areas.
At the launching ceremony, proposals of trainees were shared and acknowledged. Most of the trainees expects the course to provide them with sufficient knowledge and clinical experiences to apply to their work effectively and contribute to the local rehab system.

The first lecture of the course was conducted right after the launching ceremony in the afternoon of the same day at The Training and Direction of Healthcare Activities Center of Bach Mai Hospital. Upon completing the course, the trainees will receive certificates on rehab in compliance with circulars 22/2013 and 26/2020 on continued education of the Ministry of Health./