Communication on school violence prevention

On March 19 2018, MCNV cooperated with the Youth Union of the Vinh Linh High School, Quang Tri, to organize a communication session about mental health care, focusing on “Building a good friendship – Saying “no” to school violence”. This was one of the significant activities in the school year 2017 – 2018 in which MCNV, the Department of Education and Training in Quang Tri and Vinh Linh High School committed to implement to raise high school students’ awareness on mental health care in general and school violence prevention in particular.

The communication session was organized in the Monday Talk at Vinh Linh High School with the participation of more than 600 high school students from sixteen classes grades 10 and 12.

Through drama performances and interactive activities, the communication session helped students realize the causes of school violence, including behavioral and emotional disorders. The it brought out possible solutions to limit and stop school violence.

Drama performance played by students of Vinh Linh high school