Between September 25 and October 12 2017, MCNV and the Athena Research Institute, Vrije Amsterdam University, the Netherlands, conducted a retrospective study on the status of nutrition in children age under 5 in four villages, Ky Du, Phu Son, Xi Thoai, and Ha Rai of Xuan Quang 2 and Xuan Lanh communes, Dong Xuan district, Phu Yen province.
The goal of this study was to gather experience and discover the real status of nutrition-sensitive interventions and nutrition-specific interventions at these mountainous communes; hence possible solutions to improve food security and reduce the malnutrition of children could be made.

Participants in the workshop
After the workshop, researchers came up with three main action points. First, they would conduct an individual interview with 15 medical officers at different levels and leaders of the Communal People’s Committee, and Departments of Education and Rural Development; Second, they would make 06 group discussions with representatives of the Department of Health, the Department of Education, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Women’s Union at Dong Xuan district; And third, they would conduct 14 group discussions with villagers, groups of parents whose kids under the age of 5 from the four villages.
After 05 days of studying, Ms. Sabina, member of the researcher group, lecturer at the Athena Research Institute, Vrije Amsterdam University shared “I am very impressed with the results and the long-term impact of the community-based malnutrion prevention program that MCNV has implemented over the years. The Groups of Mothers at Phu Son village, Xuan Quang 2 commune, and Xi Thoai of Xuan Lanh commune have cooperated with us closely since early 2016 until now. Although the project has already finished but the mothers still have frequent meetings. Some of the mothers have children ages nine and above but they still join the group to share their experience in raising smaller children.”