Local NGOs and CBOs – Vietnam

In Vietnam, MCNV also actively cooperates with local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and community-based organisations (CBOs). At present, MCNV works with three village health workers’ associations (VHWAs)  in Cao Bang, Quang Tri and Phu Yen provinces. MCNV also works with 33 disabled people’s organisations (DPOs) and older people’s associations (OPAs) in the same provinces. The collaboration is focused on strengthening their organisational capacity using the five capabilities (5C) model for organisational analysis and making their plans of change and on introducing innovative methods to improve the quality of their work.

These organisations  are now experienced in using innovative methods for health communication, such as photo-voice, participatory video, puppet shows, games, folk songs, drama and shadow theatre.

Working with these NGOs and CBOs, as well as with governmental organisations, MCNV contributes to increased access to health services and to funds for livelihood development, creating more opportunities for social and economic inclusion and promoting better networking, sharing and learning among the organisations. Thousands of beneficiaries, especially marginalised groups such as the very poor, people with disabilities, people with mental health problems, older people, women, children and ethnic minorities benefit from these different interventions.