On 25&26 May 2023, the Technical Advisory Board of the pilot model of Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation (Rehab) made a field visit to 3 out of 9 hospitals supported by Inclusion 1 project in 03 provinces of Quang Tri, Thua Thien – Hue and Quang Nam.

The three hospitals visited by the Technical Advisory Board were Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Quang Tri Traditional Medicine and Rehab Hospital and Quang Tri General Hospital.

The Multidisciplinary team (MDT) in rehab is a team of professionals that includes representatives of different disciplines (e.g; physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, nursing, etc). All team members coordinate to work toward a common goal of providing holistic care for patients/clients.

In Vietnam, MDT remains a new rehab approach, which is mostly available in central-level hospitals in big cities.

As an implementing partner of the Inclusion 1 Project, MCNV has established a Technical Advisory Board (TAB) to support 09 participating health facilities in three provinces of Quang Tri, Thua Thien – Hue and Quang Nam to improve capacity in providing MDT rehab services. The TAB comprises of experts from the country’s leading hospitals and medical universities with specialization in rehabilitation.

The supports have been provided in the format of case discussion via Telehealth platform and field visit.

During the visit, the TAB performed several tasks include: conducting examination on complicated cases; discussing on the next step of intervention for these cases by each disciplinary, the coordination of MDT in implementing intervention, review MDT services record.

Assoc.Prof.Dr.Luong Tuan Khanh (central), Director of the Rehabilitation Center, Bach Mai Hospital gives guidance to a rehab doctor of Quang Tri Traditional Medicine and Rehab Hospital.

Instructing on Occupational Therapy intervention in Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital.

Member of the Technical Advisory Board, Dr.Le Khanh Dien, Vice President of the Asia Pacific Society of Speech, Language and Hearing, conducts assessment on a stroke patient in Quang Tri Traditional Medicine and Rehab Hospital.

Meeting between Technical Advisory Board and MDT members of Quang Tri Traditional Medicine and Rehab Hospital.

Meeting between Technical Advisory Board and MDT members of Quang Tri General Hospital.

Meeting between Technical Advisory Board and MDT members of Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital.