Cily Keizer
"Already from my student days I know MCNV to be an organization that strongly opposed that terrible war in Vietnam and that provided direct and effective medical aid to the victims of the war in Vietnam and later in Laos. MCNV are experts in health and nutrition, combating the climate crisis, and providing quality care for the disabled and the elderly. I hope that with my 30 years of experience in international cooperation and my knowledge in the field of gender and social equality, entrepreneurship, and humanitarian and sustainable development I can make a small contribution as the new chairperson of MCNV, especially for a solidary and sustainable future to continue creating for the most marginalized in the Mekong." - Cily Keizer
Lucian Roeters
"I got to know MCNV during my work as Finance Director at KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation and was impressed by the enthusiasm and professionalism of the team and their daily commitment to mean something for vulnerable groups in Vietnam and Laos. I hope with my role as a member of the Supervisory Board and in the audit committee to contribute to the financial sustainability of the organization and transparent accountability to stakeholders." – Lucian Roeters, interim finance manager
Nathalie Veenman
“The people-centered and problem solving nature of MCNV has made a great impression on me. Over the past 15 years I worked in international development on a policy and program level and lived in Laos for 2,5 years. Ever since I moved back to the Netherlands my focus has been on program development, organizational growth and fundraising. I enjoy connecting people and making aspirations a reality in new ventures and partnerships and I hope this can be of added value to MCNV.” – Nathalie Veenman, Team Leader International Development Programs - Save the Children Netherlands
Agnes Gebhard
"MCNV is known to me as a dedicated group of people, both in the Netherlands and Vietnam, with a genuine passion to improve the lives of vulnerable people. I’m happy and honored to be given the chance to serve as a member of the board of MCNV, the organization that supported my first work in Vietnam between 1995 and 2000. After being a “ tropical doctor” in Africa, I lived for 5 years in Vietnam, working with the Netherlands Red Cross and MCNV, especially on integrated health development; then I continued my link with Vietnam supporting their efforts to eliminate tuberculosis while based in the Netherlands. In recent years I was director of the KCNV country office in Indonesia. I hope my experience with development work and the region can be a resource for MCNV." - Agnes Gebhard, Technical Director KNCV TB Foundation