Film Your Own Life!

Documentaries to inspire poor women

Together with the Vietnamese Centre for Women and Development, MCNV has started a unique two-year film project ‘Filming Development’ in which trained volunteers shoot a number of documentary films on the daily life of women in Vietnam.

The volunteers gather information, select the ‘leading actresses’ and work on the script, resulting in five documentaries, portraying the women and showing how they managed to turn their lives for the best. Once the films are ready, they will be spread online and will be shown at Women’s Union meetings.

In a community house in Sóc Trăng in the Mekong Delta aa group of women is discussing the equal sharing of household tasks, a vibrant topic for the many women attending this meeting organized by the Women’s Union.

Ms Nguyen is 38 years old and the mother of four. She very much wants to talk to other women about how they share the tasks, what part of the household and of the care for the children is done by their husbands. “I definitely would like to see how other Vietnamese women take care of this issue!”

Open for all

“There are of course also women leading a better life and they could be an inspiring role model for others”, says Ms Huong of the Women’s Union. “We would like to show our members some success stories, on video. Here in the villages we’re still communicating very traditionally with posters and megaphones, but that is no longer the right way to reach women.”
Education through films and videoclips is a much more accessible way of communicating for these women. A lot of written reports on good practices in Vietnam are not easily accessible, often difficult to understand and remain in the confinement of offices. The very useful information does not get to the women. Now that access to the internet is spreading rapidly all over Vietnam, even in the more remote areas women will have a chance to see the videos and get inspired.

Our request

MCNV supports the women in the Mekong Delta in building a self-supporting and healthy life by providing loans with which they can start a small business. But we also pay attention to healthy food, education and a more equal share of tasks between men and women. This fall we ask your support for this unique film project with which we can reach a lot of poor women and inspire them t make the first steps towards a better life. This project can only start with the support of our donors. With your financial contribution we can purchase the necessary materials, coach the volunteers and disseminate the films. In total € 25.000 is needed.
On behalf of the women in the Mekong Delta we sincerely thank you for your support!

