CANTEEN case studies presented in closing workshop

Last December the CANTEEN program in Nong district in Laos was finalized with a closing workshop, in which most of the participants of the project attended: MCNV, EU, provincial and local authorities. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 travel restriction it wasn’t possible a delegation of the AFAS Foundation, Dutch funding partner of the project, nor anyone of MCNV head office, attended the meeting.

Sivone Mouanaotou, MCNV program manager, presented two case studies. The first one, Clean water empowers women and improves health in Xuong Yai Village you can find here. The second one is on building community partnerships to improve food security and nutrition. You can find it here.

Since the start of CANTEEN, also our Dutch private donor have contributed generously to the project. You can read more on these campaigns here and here and here.

