
Study tour with WWF Vietnam


From 13-17 March 2023, WWF- Vietnam collaborated with MCNV in organizing a study tour in Quang Tri province, aiming to explore the potentials of developing small and micro businesses that support nature conservation and improve local livelihoods.

The study tour brought together 75 Vietnamese and international participants, who visited a number of project sites of the PROSPER. More details of the study tour are available in the photobook titled “Growing value in Vietnam’s Forests”, published by the New Generation Plantation (NGP).

About NGP: NGP was created in 2007 by WWF, with the participation of a number of government forest departments and private companies that manage forest plantations. Over the years, it has evolved into a leading platform for sharing knowledge, best practices and collaborative learning about landscape restoration and forest plantations.

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VFBC visits MCNV’s project model in Huong Hoa

Chief of MCNV Office in Quang Tri, Mr.Nguyen Dinh Dai, shares with the delegates on the pilot model of biochar production using FSC bamboo material

On March 31st 2023, the Management Board of the Project on Sustainable Forest Management and Biodiversity Conservation in Vietnam (VFBC) coordinated with MCNV to organize an exposure visit on the project model implemented by MCNV in Chenh Venh village, Huong Phung commune, Huong Hoa district.

This visit was an integrated activity of the 3rd regular meeting of the Community Forest Management Network and the Forest Policy Support Group of the Sustainable Forest Management Component – VFBC project funded by USAID.

Participating in the exposure visit were representatives of Legal Department – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, General Department of Forestry, Management Board of Forestry projects, representatives of Central VFBC Project Management Board and VFBC project management boards of seven provinces of Hoa Binh, Lao Cai, Nghe An, Quang Nam, Quang Tri, Son La and Thanh Hoa, and representatives of DAI and RECOFTC.

Visit a tungs tree and indigenous trees plantation

In Chenh Venh village, MCNV shared experiences with the delegates about good models and practices on enhancing sustainable forest management in association with livelihood development in mountainous communities that MCNV and its project partner, the Association of Smallholder Forest Certification Groups of Quang Tri, have implemented under the project “Promoting sustainable partnerships between CSOs and enterprises in sustainable forest management in the context of climate change” (referred to as PROSPER Project) co-financed by the European Union and MCNV in the period of 2/2020 – 2/2023.

The specific activities of the exposure visit included: Learning about the model of planting tung trees and native species on forest lands allocated to households; Visiting an FSC® certified bamboo biochar production facility; Visiting a community forest route and learning about the current status of community-based ecotourism services associated with the natural forest that has been FSC-certified for ecosystem services; and Enjoying the cuisine and traditional art performances of the Bru Van Kieu people.

The PROSPER project just ended in February 2023 and left several important marks. Most significantly, the project has helped five community-managed natural forests in the North Huong Hoa area, including Chenh Venh village (Huong Phung commune), Cat and Ho villages (Huong Son commune), Trang – Ta Puong village (Huong Viet commune) and Xa Bai village (Huong Linh commune), achieve FSC certification for ecosystem services for carbon sequestration and storage and FSC certification for non-timber forest products (bamboo species). Along with that are pioneering initiatives to promote the development of the supply chains of FSC certified products such as acacia wood, tung oil, bamboo biochar, black locust shampoo, dried bamboo shoots, eco-tourism, etc. Currently, MCNV is introducing the piloted models to potential donors, organizations and other related development projects to find opportunities to replicate and upscale these models./.

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MCNV is a Dutch-based NGO, with an international network working in the fields of health development, social inclusion, livelihood development in responding to climate change, and value chain. Currently, MCNV has run 12 projects in 17 provinces of Vietnam. During the last 20 years, support for people with disabilities (PWD) has become a main program with high priority of MCNV in Vietnam. MCNV is going to implement for the USAID-funded Inclusion 1 Project, which focuses on rehabilitation services and medical care for PWD in Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, and Quang Nam provinces. We are looking for several positions for the Project as follows:

  • Monitoring and Evaluation Officer: 01.
  • Field staff: 06 (02 in Quang Tri, 02 in Thua Thien Hue and 02 in Quang Nam)

If you are interested in these job opportunities, please email your application letter and CV to and, quoting the position title in the email’s subject line.

The application deadline is 17:00, April 17, 2023.

For more details of each position’s tasks, please refer to the Job Description (JD) documents attached below:

*Monitoring and Evaluation Officer:

*Field staff:

  • Thua Thien – Hue:
  • Quang Tri:
  • Quang Nam:

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Availability of nutrition for mothers and children under 2 in Laos

A publication based on MCNV’s works in Nong District (Savannakhet, Laos) give insights on the availability of nutrition for mothers and children under the age of two.

By: Sayvisene Boulom  MSc; PhD Candidate2 ; Kokasia Nengmongvang.  MD1; and Viengnakhone Vongxay  MD; MPH; PhD Candidate1

1.Faculty of Public Health, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR

2.Faculty of Agriculture, National University of Laos

Corresponding Author:

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Occupational Therapy 9-month course

[Inclusion Project] 9-Month Occupational Therapy Course organized by MCNV in coordination with Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy (May 2022 – Feb 2023).

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500 participants take part in Fruit Tech Innovation Days

From 3rd to 8th of March, an event titled “Fruit Tech Innovation Days” (Ngày Công nghệ Trái cây Sáng tạo)” were organized in 4 provinces with more than 500 participants including advance farmers, cooperatives and companies, local authorities and expert in agricultural sector.

The event was launched as part of the “Improve Vietnam Tropical Fruits” project implemented by MCNV, the Vietnam Farmers’ Union under the support of the Netherlands government, technical and financial contribution from a consortium of EU and Vietnamese companies.

A presentation session of the event in Binh Thuan. Photo: Binh Thuan News

The key objectives of this project are improving cultivation techniques of dragon fruit, mango and pomelo farmers in Đồng Tháp, Long An, Bến Tre and Binh Thuận provinces and at the same time, support the SMEs and cooperatives in fruit sector to access to EU market.

The event provided a platform for the experts from Hollands, Vietnam Reseach Institutes and Companies to exchange their knowledge and information with farmers, export companies and cooperatives to find the best ways to improve cultivation practices and access to EU market for tropical fruits.

Eurofins Vietnam provides soil test service which help farmers deeply understand their own soil content so that they could adjust the use of fertilisers and water to best fit with what their crop needs. Yara Vietnam and Bayer Vietnam provide fertilizer and crop protection demo and trainings for farmers which help them save the production inputs and avoid the overuse thus lead to high residues in products in the  market. Khang Thinh company introduce water saving irrigation solution which is specially suitable for farmers who cultivate in dry and saline-intrusive area. 

A demo farm growing dragon fruit in Long An province. Photo: MCNV

Also at the event, ten potential local exporters have been selected for coming in-depth trainings which are aimed to help the trainees be prepared for accessing to EU and high-demand markets.

In the year 2022, project organized 13 technical training for more than 150 farmers and technical staff from related departments. There were 5 demo farms built with the supports from technical parners in 4 provinces.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Peter Prins, the chief technical adviser of the project shared: “Vietnamese farmers are very keen to gain more knowledge on soil management, fertilization and crop protection. In the past farmers tend to use more fertilizers, water or crop protection agents then required by the crop. However, overuse of input has a negative impact on the quality of the crops, for instance in terms of shelf life or the contamination with residues of chemical substances. With our project we show that less is better. At the end of the day the income of the farmers will be higher, by savings on inputs and better prices.  It is our goal to strengthen the export position of the Vietnamese farmers”.

“With regard to Dutch business community, I want to encourage them to invest in collaboration with Vietnamese businesses and to strengthen the economic relationships between companies in both countries. It is my sincere wish to contribute to development of agriculture in Vietnam”.

Vietnam Farmers Union and farmers highly appreciate the changes and benefits that resulted from this project. Farmers, local cooperatives and exporters look forward to coming collaboration and support from this project to help them produce better products that could be exported to EU and high-demand market in the near future./.

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89 health providers graduate from three 9-month rehabilitation courses

Participants at the closing ceremony of the PT and SALT courses.

Congratulations to 89 health providers from 05 Central and Central Highland provinces who have just completed three 9-month rehabilitation courses, specializing in Physical Therapy (PT), Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), Occupational Therapy (OT).
✅The number of trainees graduated from each course:
🔰PT: 25
🔰 SALT: 28
🔰OT: 36

The three aforementioned courses were jointly organized by MCNV, Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Da Nang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy.
The training activities were conducted as part of Inclusion 1 & 2 project, sponsored by USAID via the CCIHP (Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population) and CCRD (Center for Community Health Research and Development). Inclusion project is owned by the National Action Centre for Toxic Chemicals and Environmental Treatment (NACCET).
After finishing the rehabilitation courses, 89 health providers will come back to their respective provincial hospitals/district health centers and apply what they’ve acquired to improving the quality of rehabilitation services provided to persons with disabilities./.

Certificates of the OT course conferred to the graduates.
Mr.Anthony Kolb, Deputy Director of USAID’s Reconciliation and Inclusive Development Office, gives his speech at the PT&SALT course closing ceremony.
(From the right) Representatives of MCNV, CCIHP, Da Nang UMP and CCRD at the closing ceremony of the PT and SALT courses.
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PROSPER project closing workshop

On February 10, 2023, the Association of Smallholder Forest Certification Groups of Quang Tri (SFCG) and MCNV jointly held a closing workshop for the project “Promoting sustainable partnerships between CSOs and enterprises for sustainable forestry management in the context of climate change” (PROSPER project) co-funded by the European Union and MCNV.

After three years of implementation, PROSPER project has achieved a number of significant outcomes that profoundly impact the implementation of sustainable forestry development plan of Quang Tri province.

The Quang Tri SFCG Association, consisting of 43 member units and community groups are deeply involved in the process of reducing emissions and paying for forest environmental services. With about 2,880 hectares of FSC® certified acacia plantations, annually the Association’s member units directly contribute to emissions reduction through changes in silviculture techniques of forest owners. The Quang Tri SFCG Association is also the first association of this model in Vietnam that has linked member units of planted forests and community-managed natural forests to participate in the FSC certification system.

Thanks to PROSPER project, 2,145 hectares of natural forests of five member units in the mountainous area, which contribute to sequestrating 7,000 tons of CO2 annually, were granted FSC certification for ecosystem services.

With over 5,000 hectares of acacia plantations and natural forests certified with FSC, more than 3,700 farmers from lowland and upland communities, smallholder groups and cooperatives have participated in supplying raw materials to the FSC market, including acacia wood and non-timber forest products such as bamboo, tung seeds, black locust and dried bamboo-shoots.

Quang Tri province has approved the Plan 237/KH-UBND on the development of production associated with processing and consumption of tung oil in the period of 2023 – 2026 with a vision to 2030, with the target of producing about 4,000 tons of tung seeds, equivalent to a commercial value of about 50 billion VND per year for farmers in the mountainous areas.

Five SFCG Association’s member units in the mountainous areas are approaching the voluntary payment for 7,000 tons of CO2 with a rate of 10 Euros for one ton of CO2, totally equivalent to about 1.5 billion VND per year. This model can be replicated to create opportunities for communities managing natural forests to better perform their tasks in emission reduction and forest development.

With an output of about 30,000 tons of FSC-certified bamboo, Quang Tri province has the opportunity to create a raw material area for WWS enterprise to produce about 10,000 tons of bamboo biochar per year. This will create a commercial value of about VND 50 billion for farmers and contribute to the long-term sequestration of 20,000 tons of CO2 annually in the form of biochar.

The community-based tourism model based on community-managed natural forests certified with FSC for ecosystem services opens up opportunities for community livelihood development associated with sustainable forest management. The initial results have contributed to Resolution No. 02-NQ/HU on conservation and promotion of cultural values of ethnic minorities in Huong Hoa district.

MCNV Vietnam Country Director, Pham Dung, speaks at the workshop.

In his opening speech, MCNV Vietnam Country Director, Mr.Pham Dung said: The PROSPER project represents an effort of MCNV in expanding the organization’s assistance for Quang Tri, one of the organization’s strategic partners, to the field of climate change response.

Mr.Pham Dung highlighted PROSPER as a key project of MCNV, in the context of increasing replication of forest smallholders FSC certification in various localities. This is a model which has been pioneered by Quang Tri, in order to effectively implement the Government’s policy on land and forests allocation to the community for management.

On this occation, MCNV Country Director expressed sincere thank to EU, Quang Tri SFCG Association, Quang Tri Provincial People’s Committee, People’s Committee of Huong Hoa district and other participating districts and communes; management agencies such as the provincial Department of Agriculture and and Rural Development, the provincial police force and border guards; the Department of Foreign Affairs; the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs, Forest Management Board, fellow NGOs such as WWF, enterprises.

He especially appreciated the participation of forests smallholders, groups, families and individuals for their excellent contribution to PROSPER project! “Your participation is the critical factor that decides the success of the project!” he said.

Mr.Pham Trong Ho, Vice Chairman of Huong Hoa district’s People’s Committee, gives his speech at the workshop.

Speaking at the workshop, Mr.Pham Trong Ho, Vice Chairman of Huong Hoa district’s People’s Committee, expressed his appreciation for MCNV’s unwavering support for the people of Quang Tri in 55 years.

He emphasized that despite being implemented in a short period of time, PROSPER has generated breakthrough outcomes for Huong Hoa district, paving a new path in the field of community forest management, livelihood development for mountainous communities, development of planted forests along with protection forests and especially contributing to carbon emission reduction.

“We think that PROSPER has generated models that worth replicating via incorporating into national target programs, as well as mobilizing resources from development projects and enterprises working in the provinces”, he said.

A field visit to the ‘Tungs tree and indigenous tree plantation model” made prior to the closing workshop.

Quang Tri has been a pioneering province in engaging smallholders in SFM and FSC. In 2014, the Quang Tri Smallholder Forest Certification Group (SFCG) Association became the first smallholder in Vietnam that was recognized as a legal entity and certified for FSC.

PROSPER project was co-funded by the European Union (EU) and MCNV with total value of EUR 800,000 (USD 898,000), February 2020 – February 2023 period, aiming to promote sustainable partnership between CSOs and enterprises for sustainable forest management in the context of climate change.

In Vietnam, sustainable forest management (SFM) and forest certification (FSC) are two among five areas of the global and national Action Plan of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+).

Sustainable management of natural resources in the context of climate change requires good governance and commitment of local communities to engaging in environmentally responsible plans for land and forest use./.

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Magazine 2022-4

For a download of our magazine (in Dutch) click here.


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New roof for Pa-Loiy school

Last September MCNV Laos supported the Nong district government and Nong district education office by contributing 25.458.000 Kip (about 1.425 Euro) for materials needed to repair the roof of the Pa-loiy’s primary school, a village school with 3 teachers and about 90 children. Mrs. Xangthong Kiedtavong, Nong district vice governor and Mr. Kandam Phueiysayavong, Director of Nong district education office received this budget from a MCNV representative.

MCNV representative hands over the contribution to district government officials
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