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Flyer MCNV in Vietnam

Please download the flyer of MCNV in Vietnam here.

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MCNV in brief

MCNV is an international NGO working on health, nutrition, sustainable production and mainstream education for children with disabilities.

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Starting up again

The film followed poor women in Binh Dai district, Ben Tre province in their fish and mushroom production groups. This is an efficient method that MCNV is applying to improve climate change resilience through women entrepreneurship.

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Chances for inclusion

The short documentary film is about inclusive education for children with disability in Cao Bang. The Center for Rehabilitation and Inclusive Education is opening chances for education for more children with disability year after year.

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MCNV supports the provision of water supplies in remote villages in Lao PDR

Access to clean water is vital to health and MCNV has been pleased to support the installation of boreholes in remote villages in Nong District, Lao PDR.

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Dutch Open 2016 marked another year of Good Will and Charity Spirit of the Dutch Business Community and Partners in Vietnam

On Friday, November 25th, the Dutch Business Association in Vietnam (DBAV) hosted their 3rd annual charity golf tournament on the fairways at Song Be Golf Course.

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MCNV’s 40-years history

In 1968, the Dutch medical doctors Professor Jaap de Haas, Dr. Nick van Rhijn and Dr. Fred Groening founded the Medical Committee Netherlands-Vietnam. They were indignant about the Americans’ technological warfare in Vietnam and distressed by the suffering of the Vietnamese people.

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